Friday, August 1, 2008

Photo storage

Every time that something seems to be coming together, it just gets more complicated.

My wife has managed to book some accommodation for the week that I shall be at summer school. That means that she and the kids can be on holiday and I shall not be feeling guilty that I'm away enjoying myself while they're doing normal things. So that's all good.

However, that means that she'll want to have the laptop. It's great for entertaining the kids when the weather's inclement. But I want it too! I need it to store photographs, and free up my memory cards. I forsee difficulties here...

Options include buying a new laptop (it'll have to happen soon enough anyway), an "Image Tank" type of solution (I'd rather have a laptop, even though the ImageTank is small and light) or buying lots of CF cards.

I'm also hoping to get to the NODA Summer School presentations. I sent email yesterday checking that it would be okay, and have had no reply. So unless anything comes back in the next few days I shall assume that that means "no problem", and shall toddle down. Maybe I'll even get some decent photographs from the presentation.

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